More Mobile Than Ever: RemodelerGo Now Supports Production Tasks

RemodelerGo App now supports production and project activities

Our RemodelerGo app just keeps getting better. With the latest release, we are opening up mobile capabilities for a new part of the job lifecycle: production! If you are already using RemodelerGo, you know it’s the best way to enable your team to manage sales on the go. Now, you can track and manage all […]

How to Prevent Employee Burnout at Your Home Improvement Company

prevent employee burnout

Employee burnout, also known as job burnout, can sneak up quickly and be difficult to reverse; so, how can you prevent it from happening in the first place? Have you ever felt so over your job that just the idea of going to work makes you tired? Maybe you’ve even called in ‘sick’ to avoid […]

4 Key CRM Integrations Every Contractor Should Be Using

People moving puzzle pieces together as a way to show how systems can connect and integrate with each other

Like peanut butter and jelly, the systems you use day-to-day are powerful on their own but even better when combined.   While you’re now probably craving a PB&J, try to think about the amount of time you spend each day switching applications and copying information from one software to another. Don’t forget to include the […]

3 Ways Remodelers Can Improve the Customer Experience and Exceed Expectations

Scale with 3 categories: sad customer, impartial customer and happy customer. The gauge is pointing toward the happy customer

Keep your customers coming back for more with a customer experience that sets off fireworks.   While good conversation and light-hearted humor are great ways to build rapport with a potential customer, guaranteeing their satisfaction requires you to do more than just talk the talk. To really charm the heck out of your customers and […]