Cut Cash Flow Delays: Our Two Cents on Payment Processing and Financing for Home Pros!

Man in plaid blue shirt pass credit card to sales rep

In a world where people are more conscious than ever about what they touch, digital payment processing and financing solutions can help. Organizations are urging the public to avoid cash transactions, and companies like VISA and MasterCard have begun raising limits on tap-to-pay cards. With consumers leaning on digital wallets and electronic transactions like never […]

Why Revisit Direct Mail

Blue Mailbox

There’s no doubt COVID-19 has fundamentally changed the way we not only do business, but the way we live out every aspect of our lives. Though the impacts of today’s business disruption are real, the show must go on – marketing efforts included. Speaking of important marketing efforts, direct mail’s time is here, and it’s […]

2 Simple Steps to Leveraging Your Unsold Leads

OVERHEAD Caucasian female working from home, having a video call with colleagues. Stay home, quarantine remote work

As business regulations and COVID-19 warnings & recommendations change daily, you might be finding yourself constantly looking for new ways to increase your lead flow.  Look no further! You can substantially increase your lead flow without generating new leads, yes you heard us right! Your unsold leads are a fantastic source of new business. These […]

Creating Lifetime Customers: 6 Ways to Leverage Your Past Customers

Portrait Of Family Standing Outside House

With new disruptions to today’s business operations, unlike most have ever seen, it’s time to start leveraging your largest, if not most valuable asset you have: your past customers.  There’s no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting the day-to-day activities of the remodeling and home improvement industries. Which is why, contractors and home improvement […]



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